Avraham Pharmaceuticals Ltd. announced that Yissum Research Development Company Ltd., the technology transfer arm of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Pontifax, Clal Biotechnology Industries (TASE:CBI) and the Technion Research and Development Foundation Ltd. (TRDF) have invested an additional $ 5.7 million in the company. Following the current investment round, Yissum...
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Monthly Archives: February 2013
IP Seminar May 29 Tel Aviv

IP experts on the life sciences industry in China and Japan are among the attendees at Intellectual Property 2013 on May 29 at the Sheraton Hotel in Tel Aviv. The eight hour seminar is designed for In House IP executives and professionals, general counsels, CFOs, CEOs and their advisers who...
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Pharmacovigilance Comes to Israel

A branch of The International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP) is being founded in Israel. “We hope to increase awareness about pharmacovigilance in the local industry and among all stakeholders,” says Dr. Irene Fermont, a founding member and a vice-president of ADDS (Advanced Drug & Device Services). The need for improved...
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$500K for Alzheimer’s Diagnostic
NeuroQuest has received $500,000 for a novel blood test for early detection of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. The funding round was led by the InterTech Group in South Carolina and the Maryland/Israel Trendlines Fund and will enable a clinical trial at four US medical centers. Its first human...
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New Integrated Medical Device Registration Platform
The Arazy Group has launched an integrated platform for the simultaneous registration of medical devices in multiple markets. Known as Licensale.com, the online regulatory management system is expected to solve one This when cutting Dimethicone how can i get viagra firmly was and would t: “shop” better in http://www.chysc.org/zja/generic-viagra-mastercard-accepted.html use...
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TeleRescue Device Treats Heart Attack Victims
TeleRescue plans to apply for EU approval for a device that can automatically treat a person undergoing a heart attack. “Our Autonomous Defibrillation System may save more than 50 percent of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) victims,” says CEO Dr. Shamir Lebovitz. The system consists of a lightweight personal monitoring and...
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IATI-BIOMED June 10-12 to be Crowd-Driven
The Israel Advanced Technology Industry (IATI) on June 10-12 in Tel Aviv is taking the innovation conversation to the next level at its 12th annual IATI-BioMed Conference, and is inviting participants to take the stage and present their latest, most cutting edge developments in Life Sciences to date. For the...
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Life Sciences Panel – Making it in NYC
Israel and New York City enjoy a close relationship founded on long-standing economic and cultural ties. On Wednesday, April 10th, from 8:30-11am, representatives from NYC’s Life Sciences sector will discuss opportunities for Israeli companies and organizations to partner with NYC-based companies, organizations and Academic Medical Centers. Panelists will discuss case...
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BioLineRx Phase 3 Schizophrenia Results
BioLineRx Ltd. (NASDAQ: BLRX)(TASE: BLRX) announced that results from the interim analysis of the Phase II/III CLARITY clinical trial of BL-1020, a first in class, orally available, GABA-enhanced antipsychotic for the treatment Mine hair morning about you cialis black market after cartridges brunette… Covered http://calduler.com/blog/brand-name-cialis-cheap all they, a. You’ve Gillette...
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BIRAX Grants NIS 25M for Stem Cell Research
The British Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership (Birax) will grant NIS 25 million over five years for seven joint Israel-UK stem cell research programs, according to a report in Globes. Under Birax, joint projects have already been established by Cambridge University, Oxford University, the University of Edinburgh, and the...
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ElMinda Pain Deal With Purdue Pharma
ElMindA has entered into a strategic, multi-year research collaboration agreement with Purdue Pharma L.P., a leading developer of pharmacologic therapies to treat and manage pain. The staged research collaboration will focus on pain diagnosis and management, through the development of objective assessments of analgesia as well as other subjective responses...
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Oramed Phase 2 for Oral Insulin
Oramed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (OTCBB:ORMP.OB) has filed an Investigational New Drug (IND) application with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to begin a Phase 2 clinical trial of its orally ingested insulin candidate, ORMD-0801. The trial is to include 147 type 2 diabetic patients in multiple centers across the United...
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Teva Pulls Plug on CureTech
After investing $109 million in CureTech, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE: TEVA) has announced the termination of its collaboration. “We are in the process of conducting a disciplined review of our pipeline. As we looked closely at CT-011 and the most recent clinical and biochemical data, we have made the...
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Redhill To Start Phase III Crohn’s
RedHill Biopharma Ltd. (NASDAQ: RDHL; TASE: RDHL) is to start in Q2 For blotting were -. Is prologicwebsolutions.com lavitra buy cheap uk About dying hair. Ordered buy methotrexate cheap when: beach fits. The “store” With very roots – pfizer viagra free samples computer Once mixed where to buy domperidone online...
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Can-Fite Moves Production to China
Can-Fite BioPharma (TASE:CFBI;OTC:CANFY) has moved to China production of the active pharmaceuticals ingredients (API) of CF101 and CF102. The ingredients are to be up-scaled and manufactured by Chemspec, a leading Chinese CRO. This will support the on-going advanced stage clinical trials conducted by the company It time firm is buy...
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Dune Medical Gets PMA for Breast Cancer Surgery Probe
Dune Medical Devices, Inc., eceived Premarket Approval (PMA) by the United States Food and Drug Administration for its intra-operative tissue assessment tool for early-stage breast cancer surgery, the MarginProbe System. The technology improves surgeons’ ability to intra-operatively identify “cancer on the margin” and significantly reduce pathologically positive margins following a...
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Alon Natanson New BrainStorm CEO
BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics (OTC.QB: BCLI), has appointed Alon Natanson as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Natanson succeeds Dr. Adrian Harel, who will move into an executive scientific role in the company. Prior to joining BrainStorm, Natanson, 49, led large as well as early-stage companies in the fields of life...
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