When a large and successful institutional investing company like Alpha Capital Anstalt decides to invest in a certain field, it studies it in depth. The investment is always carefully screened before management gets the green light. Alpha Capital Anstalt investment strategy focuses on diverse but prominent areas, including startup companies,...
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Premas Biotech (India) and Oramed (Israel) collaborate to create COVID-19 oral vaccine
An Israeli-Indian joint venture is said to have created an oral vaccine. It is swallowed orally like a pill instead of the usual injection for COVID-19. A pilot test in animals indicated that the vaccine prevented the anticipated antibodies that confer safety. But, the results have not yet appeared in...
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Drug Testing Without Animals
Israeli scientists have developed a cancer drug without testing it on animals by using a chip that simulates the human body. Hebrew University researchers created a chip containing human tissue with microscopic sensors to precisely monitor the response of the human body — kidney, liver and heart — to specic...
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Gamida Cell Blood Cancer Phase 3 Success
Gamida Cell Ltd. (Nasdaq: GMDA), has announced the results of a Phase 3 clinical study of omidubicel presented in an oral session at the Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of the American Society of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (ASTCT) and Center for International Blood & Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR), or the TCT Meetings. Omidubicel is...
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TA Hospital Positive Results for Covid-19 Cure
Researchers at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital on Thursday announced it has seen positive results in preliminary trials for a cure for COVID-19. Professor Nadir Arber from the Integrated Cancer Prevention Center at the hospital tested a medication he has been developing on patients in moderate and serious condition suffering from...
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