MAbLaunch Offers New CMO Services

MAbLaunch is a joint bioproduction platform combining LFB Group and Sanofi capabilities in the field of contract development and manufacturing services.

The platform is supported by a collaboration agreement between the LFB Group and Sanofi to capitalize on the use of their respective industrial capacities and to provide the widest range of CMO services to customers in the most flexible manner.

MAbLaunch has developed considerable expertise in process development and manufacturing of monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins using mammalian cell technology.

The MAbLaunch offer starts with cell line development, going through process development and scale up, continuing into manufacturing of clinical and commercial batches.

Services offered include: Cell line development (CLD), EMABling® technology, Process Development and scale-up; Manufacturing of clinical and commercial batches; Program management and regulatory support;

> Pilot facilities: CLD platform and bioreactor capacity up to 200L scale

> GMP production facilities: Single-Use Bioreactor systems up to 1,000L and stainless-steel bioreactors up to 3 x 10,000L including wide range of Fill & Finish services.

For more info contact:

Patrick Haddad, PhD Sales & Marketing Manager LFB Biomanufacturing

Arnaud Martin, PhD Custom Synthesis – Project Manager Commercial & External Partnership, Industrial Affairs – Sanofi

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